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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Saussurea

71. Saussurea ladyginii Lipschitz, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 59(6): 77. 1954.

拉氏风毛菊 la shi feng mao ju

Herbs 30-40 cm tall, biennial. Stems solitary or several, erect, usually branched, narrowly winged; wings dentate. Basal and lower stem leaves petiolate; leaf blade narrowly elliptic, 10-15 × 2-3.5 cm, runcinate-pinnately lobed or pinnatisect, both surfaces green, scabrid, sparsely strigose, and gland-dotted, midvein prominent and straw-colored; lateral segments 6-10 pairs, margin entire or few dentate, apex acute. Middle and upper stem leaves sessile, gradually smaller upward on stem, base decurrent. Capitula numerous, clustered at end of branches in a corymbiform synflorescence, shortly pedunculate. Involucre campanulate, 1-1.2 cm in diam. Phyllaries in 4 or 5 rows; outer phyllaries ovate, 3-5 × 1-1.5 mm, apex subulate; middle and inner phyllaries narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic, 6-9 × 1.8-2 mm, appendage greenish, herbaceous, gland-dotted, and densely villous. Receptacle bristles ca. 4 mm. Corolla purplish red, 9-10 mm, gland-dotted, tube 3-4 mm, limb ca. 6 mm. Achene dark brown, obconic, 3.5-4 mm. Pappus pale brown; outer bristles 2-3 mm; inner bristles 7-8 mm. Fl. and fr. Aug.

● About 3500 m. Qinghai.

Saussurea ladyginii is only known from the type. It is morphologically very close to S. pseudomalitiosa but differs from that species in the shape and color of the phyllaries.


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