18. Tragopogon verrucosobracteatus C. H. An, Fl. Xinjiang. 5: 479. 1999.
瘤苞婆罗门参 liu bao po luo men shen
Herbs to 20 cm tall, perennial. Stem simple, densely covered with lanceolate or linear leaves, gradually decreasing in size toward apex. Capitulum solitary; peduncle mostly reduced, not inflated. Phyllaries 8(-10), lanceolate. Ligules yellow. Outer achenes 1.5-2 cm, beakless. Pappus dirty white, ca. 2 cm. Fl. and fr. Jun-Aug.
● Semi-deserts, stony places; ca. 500 m. Xinjiang.
Tragopogon verrucosobracteatus is poorly known and requires more investigation.
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