43. Synotis atractylidifolia (Y. Ling) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, Kew Bull. 39: 338. 1984.
术叶合耳菊 shu ye he er ju
Senecio atractylidifolius Y. Ling, Contr. Inst. Bot. Natl. Acad. Peiping 5: 24. 1937.
Subshrubs, with thick, woody, branching, procumbent or ascending rhizomes. Aerial stems several, erect, 20-60 cm tall, glabrous, not branched below synflorescence, leafy except toward base. Leaves very shortly petiolate or sessile; blade lanceolate, sometimes slightly falcate, 5-10 × 0.5-1.5 cm, subleathery, glabrous or nearly so, pinnately veined, lateral veins 10-14, strongly ascending, inconspicuous, base cuneate, margin regularly and closely mucronulate-serrate, apically shortly obtusely acuminate-apiculate; upper leaves smaller. Capitula radiate, numerous, arranged in terminal compound corymbs, ca. 1.5 cm in diam.; peduncles 1-2 cm, slender, slightly dilated and white arachnoid in upper part, with 1-3 narrowly oblanceolate bracts or bracteoles at or near base. Involucres subcampanulate, 3-4 × 2.5-3 mm, laxly calyculate; bracts of calyculus 4 or 5, narrowly oblanceolate or linear; phyllaries 8; oblong-linear, ca. 1.5 mm wide, apically triangular-obtuse or subacute and ciliate. Ray florets: corolla tube ca. 3 mm; lamina yellow, oblong-elliptic, 8-10 × 2-3 mm, 4-veined, 3-denticulate. Disk florets ca. 10; corolla yellow, ca. 6.5 mm, with 2.5-3 mm tube and funnelform limb; lobes ovate-lanceolate, ca. 2 mm, apically acute. Anthers ca. 3 mm; anther tails ca. 1.25 × as long as antheropodia; appendages ovate-oblong; antheropodia stout, broad, basally slightly expanded. Style branches fringed with short obtuse pa-pillae, terminal tuft not evident. Achenes ca. 4 mm, sparsely pubescent. Pappus white, 4-5 mm. Fl. Aug.
● Rocky places, wet valleys; 1500-2300 m. Nei Mongol, Ningxia (A-qi-Baqi, Helan Shan).