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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Cissampelopsis

1. Cissampelopsis corifolia C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, Kew Bull. 39: 342. 1984.

革叶滕菊 ge ye teng ju

Subshrubs or herbs, large, scandent, to 3-7 m. Stem becoming woody, glabrous or nearly so. Petiole 3-6 cm, glabrous; leaf blade ovate or broadly ovate, 8-14 × 4.5-10.5 cm, leathery or subleathery, glabrous, palmately 5-7-veined from base, veins prominent abaxially, base cordate or sometimes subtruncate, margin minutely to sometimes coarsely callose-denticulate, apex acuminate. Upper and synflorescence leaves smaller, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, basally subcordate, rounded, or truncate. Capitula discoid, numerous, arranged in usually dense terminal and upper axillary compound corymbs, forming large divaricately branching paniculoid thyrses; synflorescence branches exceeding leaves, sparsely or densely glandular pubescent; peduncles (3-)8-15 mm, slender, glandular pubescent, basally bracteolate; bracts and bracteoles linear-lanceolate, 1-2 mm, apically acute. Involucres cylindric, 5-6 × 2-3 mm, calyculate; bracts of calyculus 4 or 5, linear-lanceolate, 1-2 mm; phyllaries 8, linear-oblong, 1-1.5 mm wide, subleathery, glabrous, margin broadly scarious, glabrous, apically acute or subobtuse and puberulent. Ray florets absent. Disk florets ca. 10; corolla pale yellow, cream, or pinkish white, 8-9 mm, with ca. 3.5 mm tube and narrowly funnelform limb; lobes oblong-lanceolate, ca. 2 mm, apically acute. Anthers ca. 3.5 mm; anther tails ca. equaling or slightly exceeding antheropodia; appendages oblong-lanceolate; antheropodia hardly dilated toward base. Style branches ca. 2 mm, fringed with short papillae, terminal tuft rather short, longer than laterals. Achenes cylindric, 2.5-3 mm, glabrous. Pappus white, 8-8.5 mm. Fl. Sep-Jan of next year.

Climbing on trees and shrubs in mixed forests and thickets; 1500-2800 m. Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Thailand].


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