5. Angiopteris danaeoides Z. R. He & Christenhusz
[nom. nov.]
尾叶莲座蕨 wei ye lian zuo jue
Replaced synonym: Archangiopteris caudata Ching, Icon. Filic. Sin. 5: t. 208. 1958, not Angiopteris caudata de Vriese, Monogr. Marattiac. 20. 1853.
Fronds 50-85 cm; stipes 20-50 cm, with 1 naked pulvinus. Laminae once pinnate; pinnae 2 or 3 (sub-)opposite pairs, elliptic, 10-30 × 6-11 cm, bases cuneate, margins serrulate-crenulate, apices long caudate. Veins obvious, false veins absent. Sori medial, ca. 1 cm; paraphyses longer than sporangia. Exospores with rodlike ornamentation.
● Guangxi.
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