1 |
Stipules undivided, margin or apex toothed or entire; leaves orbicular-ovate or suborbicular, abaxially soft hairy. |
(2) |
+ |
Stipules pectinately or pinnately laciniate; leaves broadly ovate to suborbicular. |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Plants with soft hairs and needle-like prickles; petiole 5–10 cm; flowers to 3 cm in diam.; sepals leaflike, outer sepals pinnately lobed or incised-serrate, inner sepals serrate or entire. |
194 R. calycinus |
+ |
Plants with soft hairs and reddish brown bristles; petiole 2–5 cm; flowers 1.5–2.3 cm in diam.; sepals ovate-lanceolate, apex often shallowly laciniate, rarely undivided. |
195 R. pectinarioides |
3 (1) |
Leaves abaxially tomentose; stipules pectinately or palmately laciniate; stems, petioles, pedicel, and calyx tomentose and with sparse, needle-like prickles; sepals ovate or triangular-lanceolate, apex often laciniate. |
196 R. rolfei |
+ |
Leaves abaxially villous; stipules pectinately parted or deeply digitately divided; stems, petioles and pedicel villous and with soft bristles or villous and with sparse, needle-like prickles; abaxial surface of calyx densely minute tomentose and bristly, or with sparse, glandular hairs; sepals lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, entire or with few serrations or deeply divided or incised. |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Stipules pectinately parted; stems, petioles, and pedicels villous and with soft bristles; abaxial surface of calyx densely minutely tomentose and bristly, or with sparse, glandular hairs; sepals lanceolate, margin entire. |
197 R. pectinaris |
+ |
Stipules deeply digitately divided; stems, petioles, pedicel, and calyx villous and with sparse, needle-like prickles; outer sepals broader, deeply divided or incised, inner sepals narrower, margin few-serrate or entire. |
198 R. pectinellus |