1 |
Leaves simple, 3–5-lobed to -parted, cordate or reniform-cordate; stems, petioles, and pedicels soft hairy or subglabrous, bristly; petals white. |
207 R. humulifolius |
+ |
Leaves compound, 3–5-foliolate; stems, petioles and pedicels villous, bristly, with glandular hairs or soft hairy or with needle-like prickles or pubescent; petals white or purplish red. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Leaves 5-foliolate, rarely 3-foliolate, lobed or parted; stipules entire. |
(3) |
+ |
Leaves 3-foliolate, undivided; stipules entire or divided. |
(5) |
3 (2) |
Leaflets lobed, incised, coarsely sharply serrate, or doubly serrate; sepals ovate-lanceolate; pistils 4–6. |
199 R. fragarioides |
+ |
Leaflets parted, deeply sharply serrate; sepals broadly ovate; pistils ca. 3 or ca. 24. |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Pistils ca. 24; stamens ca. 30 in 2 whorls; petals entire or undulate. |
200 R. potentilloides |
+ |
Pistils ca. 3; stamens ca. 30 in 1 whorl; petals lobed or coarsely serrate. |
201 R. naruhashii |
5 (2) |
Stipules pectinately divided, lobes lanceolate, shallowly 3–5-toothed; leaflets suborbicular; stems, petioles, pedicels, and calyx villous, bristly, with glandular hairs; flowers white, solitary; pistils 10–15. |
206 R. rubrisetulosus |
+ |
Stipules entire; leaflets suborbicular, broadly ovate to broadly obovate, rhombic, or ovate-rhombic; stems, petioles, and pedicel with soft hairs or needle-like prickles, or pubescent, or bristly. |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Leaflets rhombic or ovate-rhombic to oblong-rhombic; stems, petioles, and pedicels with soft hairs or needle-like prickles; flowers purplish red or white. |
(7) |
+ |
Leaflets suborbicular, broadly ovate or broadly obovate; stems, petioles, and pedicels pubescent or bristly; flowers white. |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Leaflets rhombic to obovate-rhombic; stems, petioles, and pedicel pubescent; flowers 1 or 2, purplish red; pistils ca. 20. |
202 R. arcticus |
+ |
Leaflets ovate-rhombic to oblong-rhombic; stems, petioles, and pedicels sparsely pubescent and with needle-like prickles, sometimes with sparse, intermixed glandular hairs; flowers white, several in clusters or corymbs; pistils 5 or 6. |
203 R. saxatilis |
8 (6) |
Stems, petioles, and pedicels only pubescent; abaxial surface of calyx pubescent or sparsely bristly; petals obovate-oblong to linear-oblong; pistils 4–20. |
204 R. fockeanus |
+ |
Stems, petioles, pedicel, and abaxial surface of calyx villous and reddish brown bristly; petals broadly obovate; pistils 25–70 or more. |
205 R. nyalamensis |