1 |
Sheaths of upper culm leaves closed for 1/4(–1/3) of length; lower glume 1-veined, often sickle-shaped; lemma with or without a bronze-yellowish band below apex, lateral veins faint to prominent; vegetative shoots extravaginal and/or intravaginal; plants loosely tufted, stoloniferous (sometimes with short lateral shoots with small beadlike swellings); sheaths compressed, usually densely retrorsely scabrid, collars not ciliate; blade papery, flat, apex simple acuminate (P. sect. Pandemos). |
65 P. trivialis |
+ |
Sheaths of upper culm leaves closed for 1/20–1/5(–1/4) of length; lower glumes (1 or)3-veined; lemma commonly with a bronze-yellowish band below apex, lateral veins mostly faint; vegetative shoots all or mostly extravaginal (rarely mostly intravaginal); plants rarely with well-developed rhizomes (but if rhizomatous then culms and nodes strongly compressed: P. sect. Tichopoa) |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Plants with well-developed rhizomes; culms isolated, nodes and internodes strongly compressed; callus usually webbed (P. sect. Tichopoa). |
66 P. compressa |
+ |
Plants without rhizomes (or at most with poorly developed lateral shoots, or short upward-directed bladeless shoots, or somewhat stoloniferous in riparian forms of Poa palustris); culms usually closely clustered, nodes and internodes not or only slightly compressed, but if compressed then plants not rhizomatous; callus webbed or not |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Lemmas weakly keeled, glabrous; spikelets 2.5 or more × as long as wide; callus glabrous; panicle contracted, linear; spikelets not viviparous (P. sect. Secundae). |
P. secunda subsp. juncifolia |
+ |
Lemmas strongly keeled, pubescent (infrequently glabrous); spikelets commonly 1.5–2 × as long as wide; callus with a dorsal web or glabrous; panicle open or contracted, linear to pyramidal; spikelets sometimes viviparous (P. sect. Stenopoa) |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Panicle with viviparous spikelets. |
80 P. albertii |
+ |
Panicle without viviparous spikelets |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Plants up to 25(–40) cm of alpine and subalpine belt (if from lower elevation steppe see |
77 P. versicolor; upper node usually not exposed. |
+ |
Plants (25–)30–100 cm, sometimes alpine; uppermost node usually exposed |
(11) |
6 |
Plants 20–30 cm, subalpine (to low alpine) |
(7) |
+ |
Plants 5–15(–25) cm, alpine, if taller, then spikelets 5–8 mm, leaf blade green, soft |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Ligule 3–8 mm, 2–4 × as long as blade width, lemma glabrous between veins. |
76 P. hylobates |
+ |
Ligule 0.7–3 mm (if longer, lemma pubescent between veins), usually equal to blade width. |
78 P. araratica |
8 (6) |
Panicle contracted, densely ovoid to spiciform, longest branches 1(–1.5) cm, spikelets crowded, 3–4(–5) mm; uppermost internode not more than 1 mm wide; leaf blade firm in age, narrow, folded or inrolled; plant pale or grayish yellow, glumes sometimes with purplish bands |
(9) |
+ |
Panicle elongated, sometimes quite open, longest branches 1.5–2 cm, spikelets moderately crowded to sparse, (3.8–)4–5.5(–6) mm; uppermost internode frequently up to 1.5–2 mm wide; leaf blade withering, folded or flat; plant glaucous, glumes and vegetative parts frequently strongly purplish |
(10) |
9 (8) |
Densely tufted, shoots mostly intravaginal; leaf blades inrolled, 0.5–1 mm wide. |
79 P. attenuata |
+ |
Moderately tufted, shoots mostly extravaginal; leaf blades folded, 1–1.5 mm wide. |
80 P. albertii |
10 (8) |
Callus glabrous (rarely with a few short hairs). |
80 P. albertii |
+ |
Callus webbed. |
81 P. glauca |
11 (5) |
Mesomorphic plants; culm with uppermost node more than 1/3(–1/2) way up, leaf blade soft, flat, 1–5 mm wide, usually longer than sheath; ligule up to 1.5 × blade width; panicle open |
(12) |
+ |
Xeromorphic plants; culm with uppermost node up to 1/3 way up, if up to 1/2 way up and/or plant mesomorphic, then ligule more than 1.5 × blade width; leaf blade firm or soft, folded or flat, 0.5–2.5(–3.5) mm broad, much shorter to infrequently longer than sheath |
(18) |
12 (11) |
Ligule 2–3 mm, callus of lemma webbed. |
70 P. palustris |
+ |
Ligule of uppermost leaves 0.2–1.5 mm, usually less than blade width (if C Asia, see also |
75 P. nemoraliformis |
13 |
Spikelets 4–8 mm, blades (2–)3–8 mm, plants with bluish bloom, scabrid near nodes. |
69 P. sichotensis |
+ |
Spikelets up to 4 mm; blades 1–3 mm, plants green, smooth near nodes |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Rachilla pubescent |
(15) |
+ |
Rachilla glabrous |
(16) |
15 (14) |
Ligule up to 1 mm; palea with prickles on keels and glabrous between them |
67 P. nemoralis |
+ |
Ligule 1–2 mm; if less than 1 mm, then palea with short hairs on the lower part of keels and pubescent between them. |
68 P. lapponica |
16 (14) |
Culm with uppermost node usually at or above middle, culm usually smooth; rachilla warty, never pilose (infrequently sparsely hispidulous). |
68 P. lapponica |
+ |
Culm with uppermost node 1/3–1/2 way up; culm usually scabrid; rachilla warty or pilose |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Plants firm and robust; leaf blade 1.5–2.5(–3) mm, firm; leaf sheath usually longer than blade; low-elevation grasslands of central and eastern provinces. |
72 P. sphondylodes |
+ |
Plants soft and slender; leaf blade 1–1.5(–2) mm, thin; leaf sheath usually shorter than blade; mountain forest margins and high-elevation grass slopes of central and western provinces. |
73 P. faberi |
18 (11) |
Plants with 2(or 3) nodes above 1 cm at the base; leaf blade firm or soft and withering in age; uppermost blade usually very narrow and folded, short, usually less than 1/2 as long as sheath to subequal; panicle open to densely spiciform |
(19) |
+ |
Plants with 3–5 nodes above 1 cm at the base (if 2, then leaves long, soft, and flat), leaf blade soft and withering with age, never firm, uppermost blades frequently flat, usually more than 1/2 as long as sheath; panicle open or contracted (if contracted, then with blades soft and withering in age), with long erect branches, 1/2 as long as panicle, never dense and spiciform |
(22) |
19 (18) |
Panicle dense, contracted to spiciform, branches erect, the longest ones 1/5–1/3(–2/5) as long as panicle; uppermost node usually below 1/6 way up culm. |
77 P. versicolor |
+ |
Panicle usually open, especially while flowering, longest branches 1/3–1/2 as long as panicle; uppermost node usually ca. 1/6 way up culm |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Plants robust, up to 100(–120) cm; uppermost internode 30–80 cm, up to 2.5 mm in diam. in fruiting material; plants of E and NE China. |
71 P. alta |
+ |
Plants slender, 30–45(–55) cm, uppermost internode up to 35 cm long, up to 1.5 mm in diam |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Densely to sparsely tufted plants with few leaves; spikelets up to 5 mm; ligule (1–)2–7 mm; plants widespread. |
77 P. versicolor |
+ |
Loosely tufted, leafy plants; spikelets up to 6(–6.5) mm; ligule up to 1(–1.5) mm; plants of NW mountains. |
75 P. nemoraliformis |
22 (18) |
Plants with 2 nodes; panicle with scattered spikelets; spikelets 4.5–5.5(–8) mm; uppermost internode frequently thick, up to 1.5–2 mm, but not elongated; plant glaucous, frequently dark purple; plants of alpine and subalpine belts. |
(go to lead 7) |
+ |
Plants with 3–5 nodes; panicle usually with crowded spikelets; spikelets 3–5.5(–6) mm; uppermost internode usually 1–1.5 mm (if 1.5–2.5(–3) mm then very elongated); plants green or tinged purple, of hills to lower alpine belt |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Ligule up to 2 mm |
(24) |
+ |
Ligule 2–8 mm |
(26) |
24 (23) |
Ligule up to 1(–1.5) mm. |
71 P. alta |
+ |
Ligule 1–2 mm |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Panicle elongated-pyramidal with quite dense to scattered spikelets 3–4 mm; plants of lower mountain belt in N China. |
74 P. urssulensis |
+ |
Panicle with long erect branches and scattered spikelets (3.5–)5–7 mm; plants of high mountain belt in W and NW China. |
75 P. nemoraliformis |
26 (23) |
Callus glabrous (sometimes with a few short hairs), panicle usually open. |
76 P. hylobates |
+ |
Callus usually webbed; panicle usually loosely contracted |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Plants firm and robust; leaf blade 1.5–2.5(–3) mm, firm; leaf sheath usually longer than blade; low-elevation grasslands of C and E provinces. |
72 P. sphondylodes |
+ |
Plants soft, slender; leaf blade 1–1.5(–2) mm, thin; leaf sheath usually shorter than blade; mountain forest margins and high-elevation grass slopes of C and W provinces. |
73 P. faberi |