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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 13 | Clusiaceae | Hypericum

9. Hypericum sect. Hirtella Stefanoff, God. Sofiisk. Univ. Agr.-Les. Fak. 11: 183. 1933.

糙枝金丝桃组 cao zhi jin si tao zu

Herbs, perennial, glabrous to papillose [or pubescent], with dark (black or reddish) glands present on petals, usually on sepals and sometimes on leaf apex [and stems], but not forming intramarginal row on leaves. Stems not rooting. Sepals and petals 5, petals [usually] clawed, without apiculus; petals and stamens persistent after anthesis. Stamen fascicles apparently 3, anthers dorsifixed. Styles 3, free. Capsule valves longitudinally vittate; seeds not carinate or winged, testa [nearly smooth to] papillose.

Twenty-four species: SE Europe, Mediterranean region, SW and C Asia, W China; two species in China.

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