15. Ichtyoselmis Lidén & Fukuhara, Pl. Syst. Evol. 206: 415. 1997.
黄药属 huang yao shu
Authors: Mingli Zhang & Magnus Lidén
Dicentra sect. Macranthos K. R. Stern, Brittonia 13: 24. 1961.
Herbs, rhizomatous, with branched leafy stems. Leaflets discrete, serrate. Inflorescences cymose, pendent. Flowers with 2 planes of symmetry, oblong-subpandurate in profile. Outer petals not or only slightly saccate at base. Stamens mostly free, only shortly fused below anthers. Capsule with numerous small seeds. Seeds black, carunculate.
One species: China, N Myanmar.
Lower Taxon
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