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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 19 | Cucurbitaceae

28. Scopellaria W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes, Blumea. 51: 297. 2006.

云南马(瓜交)儿属 yun nan ma jiao er shu

Authors: Anmin Lu & Charles Jeffrey

Scopella W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes, Blumea 51: 34. 2006, not Mains (1939) [Fungi].

Herbs, climbing, annual or perennial. Leaves petiolate, unlobed or lobed. Tendrils simple, hairy. Plants monoecious. Male flowers shortly racemose; calyx campanulate, 5-lobed; corolla yellow; segments 5; stamens 3, inserted on throat of tube; filaments longer than anthers; anthers all 2-celled, anther cells straight; connectives not produced; rudimentary ovary subglobose. Female flowers 1 or 2, often coaxillary with male flowers; calyx and corolla as in male flowers; ovary ellipsoid-globose, 3-locular; ovules numerous, horizontal; style surrounded at base by an annular disk; stigmas 3. Fruit globose to fusiform, indehiscent. Seeds numerous, ovoid-ellipsoid, somewhat compressed, faces scrobiculate.

Two species: SE Asia and W Malaysia; one species in China.

One of us (Lu) does not recognize "micro-genera" such as this; however, for the purposes of this Flora, the treatment by the co-author (Jeffrey) is followed.

Lower Taxon


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