2. Saussurea Subg. Amphilaena (Stscheglejew) Lipschitz, Trudy Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Biol. Ser. 3: 182. 1960.
雪莲亚属 xue lian ya shu
Saussurea sect. Amphilaena Stscheglejew, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 21(3): 244. 1848.
Herbs, perennial or rarely biennial, polycarpic or rarely monocarpic, cauliferous, rarely substemless or stemless. Stems erect or ascending, simple or apically branched, leafy. Leaves elliptic, oblong, ovate, obovate, or linear, undivided, margin entire, denticulate, or sinuate-dentate. Uppermost stem leaves and bracts boat-shaped and keeled or flat, membranous or papery, enclosing, half-enclosing, or subtending and surrounding synflorescence or capitulum, colored pale yellow, yellowish green tinged purple, purple, or red. Capitula 1 to many, terminal on stem, solitary or in a lax or condensed corymbiform or hemispheric synflorescence. Phyllaries without an appendage. Receptacle usually with many subulate bristles, rarely papillose or naked. Corolla glabrous. Anther tails lacerate or sometimes simple. Achene smooth or ribbed, sometimes wrinkled, glabrous, usually without an apical crown. Pappus dirty white, yellowish, straw-colored, or light brown, always in 2 rows; outer bristles scabrid.
Twenty-eight species: Bhutan, China, N India, Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, N Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia (Siberia); 25 species (18 endemic) in China.
1 |
Uppermost leaves and bracts pale yellow, membranous, usually more than 3 cm wide |
(2) |
+ |
Uppermost leaves and bracts yellowish or greenish tinged with purple, yellowish rose, or purple, membranous or papery, usually less than 3 cm wide |
(5) |
2 (1) |
Capitula (1 or)2-5, in a laxly paniculiform synflorescence or rarely solitary, nodding, with a long (to 7 cm) peduncle; uppermost stem leaves and bracts not aggregated but distant from each other. |
41 S. wettsteiniana |
+ |
Capitula numerous (5-30), in a condensed corymbiform or hemispheric synflorescence, erect, sessile or with a short (to 3 cm) peduncle; uppermost stem leaves aggregated below synflorescence |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Uppermost stem leaves connivent and enclosing synflorescence; synflorescence laxly corymbiform; stem 0.4-1.4 cm in diam. |
44 S. obvallata |
+ |
Uppermost stem leaves stellately spreading; synflorescence strongly condensed corymbiform hemispheric; stem 1.5-3 cm in diam |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Stem base covered with band-shaped remains of leaf sheaths; outer phyllaries linear-subulate, 1.1-1.8 cm, densely sericeous. |
42 S. orgaadayi |
+ |
Stem base densely covered with fibrous remains of leaf sheaths; outer phyllaries narrowly triangular-ovate, 0.8-1.1 cm, glabrescent. |
43 S. involucrata |
5 (1) |
Capitula (1 or)2-9(-13), in a corymbiform synflorescence or rarely solitary |
(6) |
+ |
Capitulum 1(or 2) |
(16) |
6 (5) |
Leaves abaxially grayish white and sericeous-tomentose, adaxially green. |
34 S. phaeantha |
+ |
Leaves concolorous, green, glabrescent |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Phyllaries obtuse or rounded at apex |
(8) |
+ |
Phyllaries acute or acuminate at apex |
(9) |
8 (7) |
Uppermost stem leaves large, 1-2.5 cm wide, half-enclosing synflorescence; capitula usually 3-6. |
54 S. iodostegia |
+ |
Uppermost stem leaves small, 0.2-1 cm wide, not enclosing synflorescence; capitula 1-3. |
53 S. nigrescens |
9 (7) |
Colored uppermost stem leaves not aggregated below synflorescence, distant from each other, not covering capitula |
(10) |
+ |
Colored uppermost stem leaves aggregated below synflorescence, surrounding and covering at least basal part of capitula |
(11) |
10 (9) |
Involucre obconic, 1-2 cm in diam.; phyllaries glabrescent; leaves green, abaxially ± densely glandular. |
50 S. erubescens |
+ |
Involucre broadly obconic, 2-2.5 cm in diam.; phyllaries densely villous; leaves blackening when dry, subglabrous, without glands. |
51 S. taipaiensis |
11 (9) |
Leaves smooth, sparsely villous and without glands. |
55 S. veitchiana |
+ |
Leaves scabrid, glabrescent and usually with sessile or stalked glands |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Leaf margin subentire to minutely denticulate. |
52 S. gymnocephala |
+ |
Leaf margin sinuate-dentate |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Capitula in a clustered synflorescence, sessile or subsessile; plants usually less than 20 cm tall; leaves usually less than 7 cm. |
45 S. tangutica |
+ |
Capitula in a corymbiform synflorescence, pedunculate; plants usually more than 20 cm tall; leaves usually more than 10 cm |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Plants tufted and forming large clumps; stems many; achene distinctly ribbed, apex with a dentate crown. |
48 S. luae |
+ |
Plants not tufted; stems solitary or few; achene smooth or indistinctly ribbed, apex without a dentate crown |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Uppermost stem leaves yellowish tinged with purple, margin irregularly dentate; involucre obconic to broadly campanulate. |
47 S. schultzii |
+ |
Uppermost stem leaves intensely red to purple, margin subentire; involucre globose. |
49 S. globosa |
16 (5) |
Colored uppermost stem leaves not aggregated below capitulum, distant from each other, not covering capitulum |
(17) |
+ |
Colored uppermost stem leaves aggregated below capitulum, surrounding and covering at least basal half of involucre |
(22) |
17 (16) |
Phyllaries obtuse at apex. |
53 S. nigrescens |
+ |
Phyllaries acute or acuminate at apex |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Leaves abaxially grayish white and densely tomentose, adaxially green. |
33 S. pubifolia |
+ |
Leaves green and ± concolorous |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Leaf blade glabrescent, sometimes glandular, margin sinuate-dentate |
(20) |
+ |
Leaf blade pubescent or sericeous, without glands, margin subentire or denticulate |
(21) |
20 (19) |
Involucre obconic, 1.5-2 cm in diam.; phyllaries glabrescent; leaves green, abaxially ± densely glandular. |
50 S. erubescens |
+ |
Involucre broadly obconic, 2-2.5 cm in diam.; phyllaries densely villous; leaves blackening when dry, subglabrous and without glands. |
51 S. taipaiensis |
21 (19) |
Involucre 3-3.5 cm in diam.; outer phyllaries 1.5-2.3 cm; upper stem leaves to 2.5 cm wide; leaf blade sericeous, base attenuate and gradually tapering into winged petiole, apex acute to acuminate. |
39 S. longifolia |
+ |
Involucre 1-2.5 cm in diam.; outer phyllaries 1-1.5 cm; upper stem leaves to ca. 1.5 cm wide; leaf blade pilose or glabrescent, base asymmetric and rounded, cordate, or cuneate, abruptly narrowed into petiole, apex obtuse to subacute. |
40 S. polycolea |
22 (16) |
Leaves linear, 1-5 mm wide |
(23) |
+ |
Leaves narrowly elliptic, narrowly ovate, or linear, more than 6 mm wide |
(24) |
23 (22) |
Leaves grayish green, concolorous, both surfaces ± densely villous; caudex with hard tunic of pale brown persistent remains of petioles. |
31 S. pilinophylla |
+ |
Leaves adaxially dark green and glabrous; caudex with blackish brown withered remains of petioles. |
32 S. hookeri |
24 (22) |
Leaves on both surfaces grayish green and lanate-tomentose. |
35 S. velutina |
+ |
Leaves adaxially green and not lanate-tomentose |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Leaves adaxially green, abaxially grayish white |
(26) |
+ |
Leaves green, ± concolorous |
(27) |
26 (25) |
Leaf margin sinuate-dentate; uppermost stem leaves few, purplish red, enclosing capitulum. |
33 S. pubifolia |
+ |
Leaf margin entire; uppermost stem leaves many, pale yellow, stellately spreading and subtending capitulum. |
36 S. baoxingensis |
27 (25) |
Leaves abaxially with sessile glands, margin subentire to minutely denticulate. |
52 S. gymnocephala |
+ |
Leaves with stalked glandular hairs or without glands, margin sinuate-dentate |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Leaves smooth, pilose, or sericeous. |
37 S. muliensis |
+ |
Leaves scabrid, glabrescent |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Leaves usually more than 2 cm wide, apex usually obtuse. |
38 S. uniflora |
+ |
Leaves usually less than 2 cm wide, apex acute |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Involucre broadly campanulate; phyllaries densely villous, subequal, 1-1.6 cm; corolla 1-1.5 cm. |
45 S. tangutica |
+ |
Involucre obconic; phyllaries pilose, glabrescent, unequal,. 6-2.2 cm; corolla 1.5-1.8 cm. |
46 S. bracteata |
List of lower taxa
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