7. Saussurea sect. Rosulascentes (Kitamura) Lipschitz, Rod. Saussurea, 171. 1979.
莲座风毛菊组 lian zuo feng mao ju zu
Saussurea subsect. Rosulascentes Kitamura, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 24: 22. 1969.
Herbs, perennial, rhizomatous, with well-developed, simple or branched flowering stems. Basal and lower stem leaves rosulate or subrosulate, present at anthesis. Middle and upper stem leaves few, much reduced. Capitula solitary or several, sometimes supported by uppermost stem leaves. Involucre campanulate, ovoid, cylindric, funnel-shaped, turbinate, or subglobose. Phyllaries imbricate, margin entire, apex obtuse or acuminate. Receptacle with bristles. Anther tails ciliate or lacerate. Achene usually ribbed, glabrous, sometimes with a small crown. Pappus usually in 2 rows; outer bristles scabrid, rarely lacking.
About 17 species: China, Korea, Russia (Far East, Siberia); nine species (eight endemic) in China.
Saussurea sect. Rosulascentes is rather ill-defined as there are many species with few and reduced stem leaves, which have been placed in other sections, and some of the following species can have a number of stem leaves as well. Saussurea alatipes and S. huashanensis are very similar to S. fargesii, so they have been placed in this section. However, these three species may also be placed in S. sect. Saussurea.
1 |
Petiole of basal leaves broadly winged, wings dentate or lobed |
(2) |
+ |
Petiole of basal leaves wingless or narrowly winged |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Petiole to 11 cm, with 1-6 pairs of lobes or teeth; leaf blade papery; capitula in ± clustered, corymbiform synflorescence; phyllaries papery, apex purple, shortly acuminate, reflexed. |
198 S. alatipes |
+ |
Petiole to 6 cm, with 1-3 pairs of lobes or teeth; leaf blade leathery; capitula in lax synflorescence; phyllaries leathery, apical part green, herbaceous, reflexed. |
200 S. fargesii |
3 (1) |
Leaf blade usually lyrate-pinnately lobed; plants 60-100 cm tall. |
203 S. kungii |
+ |
Leaf blade not lyrate, pinnately lobed or undivided; plants 10-60 cm tall |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Leaf blade pinnately dentate, pinnately lobed to pinnatisect |
(5) |
+ |
Leaf blade undivided, margin entire, sinuate-dentate, denticulate, or shallowly crenate |
(6) |
5 (4) |
Stem simple; capitulum solitary at end of stem; leaf blade pinnately lobed or with large triangular teeth. |
201 S. acrophila |
+ |
Stem apically few branched, capitula solitary or 2, at end of branches; leaf blade deeply pinnately lobed to pinnatisect. |
202 S. paucijuga |
6 (4) |
Capitula solitary or rarely 2, terminal on stem |
(7) |
+ |
Capitula several (2-10), in corymbiform synflorescence |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Leaves green on both surfaces, concolorous. |
252 S. superba (see S. sect. Saussurea) |
+ |
Leaves abaxially grayish white, densely tomentose, adaxially green. |
206 S. tomentosa |
8 (6) |
Leaf blade obovate to narrowly obovate, 2-4.5 cm wide. |
204 S. oligocephala |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate or elliptic, usually more than 5 cm wide |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Leaf blade usually ovate or triangular-ovate; leaf base cordate or truncate. |
199 S. huashanensis |
+ |
Leaf blade usually elliptic; leaf base cuneate-attenuate. |
205 S. oblongifolia |
Lower Taxa
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