3. Parasenecio sect. Koyamacalia (H. Robinson & Brettell) Y. L. Chen, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 77(1): 28. 1999.
小山蟹甲草组 xiao shan xie jia cao zu
Koyamacalia H. Robinson & Brettell, Phytologia 27: 270. 1973.
Stem leaves numerous, triangular or ovate-hastate to reniform, abaxially not arachnoid. Capitula numerous. Involucres cylindric to campanulate; phyllaries 3-12. Florets 3-38; corolla white or yellow. Pappus white, rarely yellow-brown or red-brown.
About 26 species: Eurasia from Russia to E Asia; 19 species (14 endemic) in China.
List of lower taxa
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