2. Parasenecio ser. Candidi (Kitamura) Y. L. Chen, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 77(1): 30. 1999.
戟叶蟹甲草系 ji ye xie jia cao xi
Cacalia ser. Candidae Kitamura, Compos. Jap. 3: 203. 1942.
Leaves reniform or triangular-ovate to hastate, margin toothed or shallowly lobed. Involucres cylindric or narrowly campanulate; phyllaries 3-8, rarely 10. Florets 3-5, rarely more. Pappus white, rarely yellow-brown.
About 20 species: China, N Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia; 13 species (nine endemic) in China.
List of lower taxa
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