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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Pteridaceae

10. Calciphilopteris Yesilyurt & H. Schneider, Phytotaxa. 7: 53. 2010.

戟叶黑心蕨属 ji ye hei xin jue shu

Authors: Zhang Gangmin & George Yatskievych

Plants terrestrial or on rocks. Rhizomes shortly to long creeping; scales lanceolate to narrowly ovate, mostly bicolorous, with a dark brown, ± clathrate, central band and lighter brown margins. Fronds scattered to ± clustered, dimorphic, fertile fronds with longer stipes and more finely divided laminae than sterile ones. Stipe longer than lamina (except sometimes in sterile fronds), shiny, dark brown to black, rounded or distally somewhat flattened to slightly grooved adaxially, with 1 vascular bundle at base, scaly at base, glabrescent or with sparse, short hairs and/or scales distally. Lamina pedate-pinnatifid to pedate-bipinnatifid, pedately lobed, or trilobate (smaller fronds sometimes unlobed), pentagonal to broadly cordate, hastate, sagittate, or ovate in outline, margins entire and often white cartilaginous, papery to leathery, glabrous on both surfaces or rarely sparsely glandular hairy and/or scaly abaxially at base, midvein and costae blackish abaxially. Veins faint, anastomosing, those of fertile fronds connected to a marginal commissural vein, those of sterile fronds free near margins, ending in submarginal, adaxial hydathodes. Sori with numerous sporangia continuous along commissural vein, margin of false indusium entire to slightly erose. False indusia formed by reflexed lamina margins, continuous except at segment tips. Spores dark brown, globose to globose-tetrahedral, echinate to cristate. x = 29.

Four species: SE Asia to New Guinea and Australia; one species in China.

Recently, Calciphilopteris was segregated from Doryopteris based mainly on molecular data. The plants tend to grow in limestone areas and have creeping rhizomes and semiclathrate rhizome scales.

Lower Taxon


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