Internodes short, 1.5–5 cm diam; cataphylls 8–10 cm long, reddish-brown; leaves with petioles pubescent, 25–60 cm long, semiterete & sulcate, 0.5–1.5 cm in diameter, green to red-violet with grey-white trichomes; sheaths 8–11 cm long, well developed, ± auriculate and subequal at apex; blades membranaceous, cordate-ovate to oblong-lanceolate, (12)25–50(65) cm long, (5.5)12–30(42) cm wide, basal lobes subrotund to auriculate, apex acuminate, apiculate; midvein prominent; primary lateral veins 30–45 pairs; adaxial surface glabrous, medium green, occasionally with irregular white stripe along midrib; abaxial surface lighter-colored, pubescent. Inflorescences with peduncles 5.5–13 cm long, 1.5–8 cm in diameter, densely pilose, reddish-maroon; spathe 6–12 cm long, 1–2.5 cm wide at the middle, outer surface green to reddish-maroon, inner surface lighter in color, upper portion open at anthesis, apex acuminate; spadix 6–11 cm long, carpellate portion 1.9–3.5 clong, 0.7–1.1 cm in diameter, adnate adaxially to the spathe for 0.6–1.5 cm, staminate section 2.9–6 cm long, 5–9 mm in diameter at base, narrowing toward the top to 3–6 mm in diameter, cream-colored, staminodial zone 7–9 mm long, these irregular rhombic, 2–3 mm long, 1–2 mm in diameter, truncate. Carpellate flowers with ovary slightly obovoid, cream to yellow-orange, 1.4–2 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide at the broadest point, stigma sessile, pilose, discoid, depressed in the center, 0.7–1.5 mm in diameter, slightly brownish, staminodes absent. Staminate flowers consisting of 4–5 stamens, ellipsoidal to rhombic in view from above, 1–2.3 mm long, 0.8–1.8 mm wide, distal ones smaller, connective truncate, surface irregularly rhomboidal, 1–1.6 mm long, 0.4–0.5 mm wide, 0.8–1.8 mm high, thecae lateral, roundish, ca. 0.6 mm in diameter, opening by pore, pollen ellipsoidal, inaperturate, ca. 26 µ wide, exine scabrous. Infructescences containing many berries; berries cylindrical, 4.5–5 mm long, ca. 2 mm in diameter, greenish, crested by the old stigma, many-seeded; seeds ellipsoidal, 0.6–1 mm long, 0.5–0.7 mm in diameter, testa ribbed, whitish, semitransparent.
Type: Curmeria picturata Linden & André in André, Ill. Hort. 20: 45. 1873. Type: Cultivated by Linden in Paris[Source: "Novo-Grantensis" (Colombia), Roezl s.n.] fide Linden and André.
Napo: Archidona Cantón, Along road between Coca and the Baeza--Tena Road, via Loreta and Hollin, 82.5 km W. of Río Payamino, 6 km W. of Juticocha, 2.83 k, W. of Loreto. 58 km E. of Tena--Baeza Road; 0°48'S, 77°31'W, 925 m, Croat 72617, 72623A (MO); Tena, Asplund 9024 (S); Cantón Tena, Estación Biológia Jatun Sacha, Río Napo, 400 m, 1°4'N, 77°36'W, Cerón & Montesdeoca 8053 (MO); 8 km E of Misahuallií, 1°5'S, 77°39'W, 450 m, Palacios 3281 (MO); 8 km below Puerto Misahuallií on Río Napo and 1.5 km S, 1°4'S, 77°36'W, 450 m, Palacios et al. 450 (MO); INIPA Experiment Station, San Carlos, 6 km SE of San Carlos, 50 m, Baker & Trushell 6022, 6090 (MO); Auca oil field, 60 km S of Coca, 300 m, Besse et al. 1025, 1082 (SEL); 70 km downstream from Coca at Anangu, 260 m, Besse et al. 1613 (SEL); road between Baeza and Lago Agrio, 72.5 km W of Largo Agrio, 1166 m, Croat 49525 (MO); road between Tena and Puyo, 61.5 km N of Puyo, 500 m, Croat 49645 (MO); road near Río San Miguel, 21.2 km N of Lago Agrio, 0°8'N, 76°50'W, 470 m, Croat 50346 (MO); vicinity of Lago Agrio and Coca on new CEPE ferry road 7.2 km S of S bank of Río Aguarico, 0°2'N, 76°51W, 270 m, Croat 58674 (MO); Communa San Isla, Río Napo, ca. 3 km E of Añangu, along Río Garza Coche, 0°29'S, 76°21'W, 260 m, Lawesson et al. 39818 (AAU); Añangu, 300 m, Balslev et al. 62359 (AAU); Parque Nacional Yasuní, Añangu 0°31'S, 76°23'W), 270 m, along Río Añangu near junction with Río Napo, Luteyn et al. 9075 (MO, QCA); Parque Nacional Yasuní, Estación Cientifica, Tiputini, 200 m, 0°38'S, 76°30'W, Kjaer-Pedersen 430, 499, 955, 2067 (AAU); near Limoncocha, 240 m, Madison et al. 5337 (QCA, SEL, US); Parque Nacional Yasuní, Añangu, 0°31--32'S, 76°23'W, 260--350 m, Øllgaard et al. 39223 (AAU); Orellana, Reserva Florística El Chuncho, 250 m, 0°28'S, 77°0'W, Palacios 12033 (MO, QCNE, US). Pastaza: Pastaza Cantón, between Shell and Mera, 5.3 km NW of center of Shell, 1180 m, Croat 73520 (MO); vic. of Puyo, Communidad Santa Cecilia, Villano, 1°30'S, 77°27'W, 380 m, Palacios 10107 (MO); Pozo petrolero, Villano 2 de ARCO, 400 m, 1°25S, 77°20'W, 1--Hurtado 2977 (MO, QCNE)); between Tena and Puyo, 14 km N of Puyo, 1160 m, Croat 49672 (MO); road from Puyo to Macas, 27 km S of Puyo, 1°40'S, 77°50'W, 1170 m, Croat 50582 (MO); Tzapino, Waorani (Aucas) trail to Dayono, 400--500 m, Jaramillo & Coello 3622 (AAU), 3623 (QCA); Lorocachi, 2 km on the Río Curaray, SE of the military camp, 1°38'S, 75°58'W, 200 m, Jaramillo et al. 30746, 31140 (AAU, MO), 30927 (AAU); Montalvo, ca. 1 km NE of military camp, 2°5'S, 76°58'W, ca. 250 m, Lojtnant & Molau 13397 (AAU). Morona-Santiago: Tukupi, near military camp, 2°40'S, 79°30'W, 250 m, Brandbyge & Asanza 32268 (AAU, MO). Zamora-Chinchipe: El Pangui Cantón, along road between Zamora and Gualaquiza, 70.9 km N. of Río Zamora, 935 m, 3°42'S, 78°25 'W, Croat 72720 (MO); 2 km W of Zamora on road to Loja, 5°55'S, 78°59'W, 1050 m, Croat 50831 (MO). --
Cultivated: [Source, Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, 2 km W of Zamora, 900 m, 1975, Madison 2457 (voucher lost)], 28 Jun 1978 (fl), Madison s. n. [2457] (K, SEL); 13 Jun 1979 (fl), Madison s. n. [2457] (K). [Source, Colombia, Shuttleworth s. n.] 21 Sep 1878 (st), Bull s. n. (K); 13 Mar 1879 (fl), Bull s. n. (K); 30 Jul 1883 (fl), Brown s.n. (K); 18 Aug 1887 (K). [source, unknown], 25 Jul 1970 (fr), Croat 11493 (Summit Herbarium-MO). [Source, Peru, collector unknown] 13 Jun 1979 (fl), Madison 6950 (SEL).