Description from
Flora of China
Albina Giseke, nom. rej.; Buekia Giseke, nom. rej.; Zerumbet J. C. Wendland, nom. rej.
Rhizomes creeping, thick. Pseudostems many, well developed, rarely absent. Leaves many, rarely 1--4; leaf blade oblong or lanceolate. Inflorescence a terminal panicle, raceme, or spike, dense or lax, covered by 1--3 spatulate involucral bracts when immature; bracts (when present) open to base, rarely hooded, each subtending 1 flower or a cincinnus of 2 to many flowers; bracteoles open to base or tubular, rarely hooded, sometimes absent. Calyx usually tubular, sometimes split on 1 side. Corolla central lobe ± hooded, usually wider than lateral lobes. Lateral staminodes small or absent, subulate or toothlike, adnate to base of labellum. Labellum often showy, usually larger than corolla lobes, sometimes inconspicuous, margin variously lobed or entire. Filament present or absent; connective crested or not. Ovary usually 3-loculed and placentation axile. Stigma usually well expanded, sometimes clavate, rarely geniculate. Stylodes often massive. Capsule usually globose, dry or fleshy, indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent. Seeds numerous, often angled, arillate.
About 230 species: tropical and subtropical Asia, Australia, and Pacific Islands; 51 species (35 endemic) in China.