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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Malpighiaceae

Hiptage Gaertn.


Description from Flora of China

Woody lianas, lianoid shrubs, or small trees. Leaves opposite, leathery or subleathery, entire, sometimes with 2 basal glands on abaxial surface; stipules minute, glandlike, or absent. Racemes axillary or terminal; peduncles bracteate; pedicels articulate, 2-bracteolate at articulation point. Flowers white, sometimes pinkish, fragrant, bisexual, zygomorphic. Calyx with 1 or 2 glands partially adnate to pedicel or eglandular. Sepals 5, imbricate, basally connate. Petals 5, clawed, ± unequal, silky pubescent. Stamens 10, unequal, one much larger than others; filaments connate at base. Ovary shallowly 3-lobed, 3-5 appendages on abaxial surface; style 1, rarely 2, filiform, at first circinate; stigma capitate. Samaras 1-3, each 3-winged; abaxial wing long, erect; lateral wings short, spreading. Seed angular-globose.

Hiptage sericea J. D. Hooker is grown as an ornamental in SE Asia, with plants recorded in China from Guangdong ("Cape Syngmoon") and Taiwan.

We are unable to treat Hiptage leptophylla Hayata (Icon. Pl. Formos. 3: 48. 1913), described from Taiwan, because we have seen no specimens.

About 30 species: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mauritius, Philippines, Thailand; ten species (seven endemic) in China.

Lower Taxon


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