Description from
Flora of China
Stephanotis Du Petit-Thouars sect. Jasminanthes (Blume ) Hemsley; Huthamnus Tsiang.
Lianas. Cymes extra-axillary, umbel-like, simple or dichotomous. Calyx deeply 5-parted, usually eglandular, segments erect and connate at base. Corolla salverform or urceolate; tube elongated, base broad, throat constricted or slightly dilated, interior with 5 pairs of longitudinal lines of hairs; lobes 5, twisted to right, usually longer than tube, acuminate in bud. Corona lobes usually conspicuous, adnate to back of stamens, erect, apex free, dorsally compressed, with board-shaped processes on back, minute or absent. Filaments connate into a short tube; anther appendages erect or inflexed on stigma head; pollinia 2 per pollinarium, erect. Stigma head conical or capitate. Follicles lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, apex acuminate. Seeds comose.
Jasminanthes was formerly included in Stephanotis, but the latter is endemic to Madagascar.
About five species: China, Thailand; four species in China.