Description from
Flora of China
Trichoneuron Ching.
Plants terrestrial, 40-120 cm tall. Rhizomes creeping or ascending, rhizome apices and stipe bases densely covered with lanceolate scales. Fronds approximate or 1-3 cm apart; stipe brown to stramineous, with scales only at base; scales lanceolate, brown or dark brown, without iridescence. Lamina ovate to pentagonal, 3-5-pinnate; basal pinna pairs largest, triangular, basal basiscopic pinnules of basal pinnae longest; distal pinnae or pinnules adnate to rachis or costae and decurrent at their bases; veins all free, veinlets on ultimate pinnules or lobes simple or forked, usually not reaching margin of leaf segments; lamina texture herbaceous, hairy on both surfaces; costae of pinnules prominent, densely covered with hairs. Sori usually terminal on veins and near margins of pinna lobes; indusia present or not; spores ellipsoid to spheroidal, perispore with inflated folds or tuberculate, sometimes broadly winged. x = 41.
About 35 species: pantropical, extending into S temperate regions, most diverse in Australasia; three species (two endemic) in China.
(Authors: Dong Shiyong (董仕勇); Maarten J. M. Christenhusz)