Description from
Flora of China
Hedeoma Persoon sect. Mosla Bentham, Labiat. Gen. Spec. 366. 1834.
Herbs aromatic, annual. Leaves petiolate, dentate, abaxially conspicuously impressed glandular. Verticillasters 2-flowered, in terminal racemes; bracts small or lower ones leaflike. Flowers
pedicellate. Calyx campanulate, 10-veined, throat hairy, limb subequally 5-toothed or 2-lipped; upper lip 3-toothed, teeth acute to obtuse; lower lip 2-toothed, teeth lanceolate; fruiting
calyx dilated, with base swollen on 1 side. Corolla white or rose to purple-red, tube glabrous or hairy annulate inside; limb nearly 2-lipped, upper lip emarginate; lower lip 3-lobed, margin
crenate; lateral lobes smaller than middle lobe, emarginate. Stamens 4, posterior 2 fertile, anterior 2 reduced, with indistinct anther cells; anther cells 2, divaricate. Style apex subequally to
equally 2-cleft. Nutlets subglobose to globose, sparsely netted or pitted with small depressions; areolae basal, dotlike.
About 22 species: Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam; 12 species in China.