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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Valerianaceae

Patrinia Juss.


Description from Flora of China

Fedia Adanson; Fuisa Rafinesque.

Herbs, perennial, less frequently biennial; taprooted or rhizomatous; roots or rhizomes strongly stinking. Stems sometimes lignified at base. Basal leaves rosulate, simple to pinnatifid or pinnatisect, often wilted or caducous at anthesis. Cauline leaves opposite, simple to pinnatifid or pinnatisect, margin serrate or dentate, rarely entire. Inflorescence of corymbiform or paniculiform compound dichasia. Flowers 3-6 mm; calyx limb 5-lobed; lobes sinuous, obtusely dentate, ovate or ovate-deltoid, persistent, rarely enlarged in fruit. Corolla yellow, pale yellow, or white, campanulate or funnelform; tube villous within, gibbous basally, nectary sac with dense glands; limb 5-lobed, lobes slightly unequal. Stamens (1-)4, in unequal pairs, inserted at base of corolla tube, usually exserted; longer filaments villous basally, shorter filaments glabrous; anthers oblong, versatile. Style sometimes curved above; stigma capitate or peltate. Achene ovoid or obovoid-oblong; bracteoles reduced or expanded and winglike, detaching as a unit with fruit, 2- or 3-veined, reticulate veins conspicuous. Seeds compressed ellipsoid.

About 20 species: C and E Asia; 11 species (five endemic) in China.

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    Flora of China  
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