Description from
Flora of China
Trees (5--)9--12 m tall. Branchlets rust colored pubescent and
lenticellate. Leaves alternate, often closely clustered at end
of branchlets; petiole 0.7--1.5 cm, rust colored tomentose or
subglabrous; leaf blade ovate to ovate-lanceolate, (5--)7--9(--15)
X 3--4 cm, base cuneate, apex acuminate, lateral veins 8--12 pairs.
Flowers pale yellow, in 1--3-flowered clusters on axillary panicle;
peduncle 1--3 cm; bractlets ovate-triangular. Pedicel 2--4 mm.
Calyx campanulate; sepals 5, triangular or subovate, 2--3 X 1.5--2
mm. Corolla 4--5 mm; lobes (4 or)5, ovate-oblong, 1.5--2.5 X ca.
1 mm. Stamens (4 or)5; staminodes (4 or)5, petal-like and lanceolate,
1--2 mm, laciniate. Ovary subglobose, 4- or 5-locular, ca. 1 mm,
glabrous. Style 2--3 mm and lengthened in fruit. Fruit ca. 2.5
X 1.5 cm. Seed 1, ellipsoid and compressed, 1.6 X 0.9 cm; scar
subrounded. Fl. May-Aug.
The generic placement of this species is unsettled. Hemsley originally
placed it, with uncertainty, in Sarcosperma. This has been
followed by W. Y. Chun and How (Acta Phytotax. Sin. 7: 74. 1958).
However, this species differs distinctly from Sarcosperma
in both vegetative and floral characters. Lam and Kerpel (Blumea
3: 285. 1939.) and P. Royen (Blumea 8: 359. 1957.) transferred
it to Planchonella. This transfer was followed by C. Y.
Wu and H. W. Li [Yunnan Redai Yaredai Zhiwu Quxi Yanjiu Baogao
(Rep. Stud. Pl. Trop. Subtrop. Yunnan)] 1: 26. 1965.) who drew
attention to the seeds with copious endosperm and leafy cotyledons.
However, other features such as the racemose, sometimes paniculate
inflorescences, and seeds with a round, basal scar, suggest exclusion
from Planchonella. Based on the alternate leaves, 1-seeded
berry, and seed characteristics, it is here included within Sinosideroxylon.
Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Yunnan [Vietnam].