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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Sapotaceae

Sinosideroxylon (Engl.) Aubr.


Description from Flora of China

Sideroxylon Linnaeus sect. Sinosideroxylon Engler, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 12: 518. 1890.

Trees, rarely shrubs. Leaves alternate; stipules absent; leaf blade leathery. Flowers small, in axillary clusters, sometimes racemose. Sepals 5(or 6), imbricate, rounded to ovate-rounded, apex obtuse to rarely acuminate. Corolla broadly to narrowly campanulate, tube short, lobes 5(or 6), apex obtuse to acuminate. Stamens 5(or 6), inserted in throat and opposite corolla lobes; anthers ovoid to lanceolate; staminodes 5(or 6), linear, scalelike to petal-like, entire or serrate, inserted in throat and alternate with corolla lobes. Ovary glabrous or villous, 5-locular. Fruit a berry, ovoid to globose; pericarp usually thick, sometimes fleshy; 1(--5)-seeded. Seed scar basal, sometimes lateral.

Four species: Vietnam; three species in China.

Sinosideroxylon may not be sufficiently distinct from Sideroxylon to merit being a separate genus.

Lower Taxa


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