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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Rubiaceae | Mussaenda

Mussaenda kwangsiensis Li


Description from Flora of China

Climbing shrubs; branches terete, densely strigillose, sometimes with congested groups of leaves borne on reduced axillary buds. Leaves opposite; petiole 5-8 mm, appressed pubescent; blade drying thinly papery, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, 8-11 × 2.5-4 cm, adaxially sparsely strigillose with pubescence denser along veins, abaxially densely villous, sparsely villosulous, or hirtellous, base attenuate or cuneate, apex acuminate or shortly acuminate; secondary veins 6-8 pairs, with tertiary venation not readily visible; stipules caducous, deeply 2-parted, lobes linear, ca. 6 mm. Inflorescence congested-cymose, ca. 4 cm, moderately to densely strigillose; bracts linear, 5-15 mm. Flowers densely grouped, sessile, biology not noted. Calyx with hypanthium portion ellipsoid, ca. 5 mm, densely pubescent; lobes linear, 25-30 × 1-2 mm, sparsely pilose, with 1 lobe on 1(or ?more) flower in each inflorescence enlarged into white calycophyll, blade ovate, ca. 6 cm, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, base rounded, stipe ca. 8.5 mm, apex acuminate. Corolla yellow, slenderly salverform, outside gray pubescent; tube 20-25 mm; lobes ovate, ca. 3 × 1.5 mm, adaxially densely yellow papillose, acuminate, acute, or mucronate. Berry not seen. Fl. Sep-Jan.

● Sparse forests at streamsides in valleys. Guangxi.


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