Description from
Flora of China
Senecio euryphyllus C. Winkler, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 14: 156. 1895; Senecillis euryphylla (C. Winkler) Kitamura.
Stem erect, to 100 cm tall, proximally glabrous, distally white arachnoid-puberulent. Basal leaves petiolate; petiole 30-40 cm, often winged, base sheathed; leaf blade ovate-lanceolate, ca. 20 × 15-20 cm, both surfaces shortly white pilose or abaxially intermixed arachnoid-puberulent, adaxially glabrous, pinnately veined, base hastate or cordate, rarely subtruncate, margin irregularly coarsely dentate, apex acuminate. Middle stem leaves petiolate; petiole winged; leaf blade cordate, 20-35 × ca. 9 cm, base sheathed, amplexicaul, margin sharply dentate. Capitula 12-15, in corymb; peduncles long, glabrous or arachnoid-puberulent; supplementary bracts 3-7, linear. Involucre campanulate, ca. 10 × 8 mm; phyllaries 8 or 9, in 2 rows, margin membranous, apex black. Ray florets yellow; lamina slightly longer than involucre, apex 3-denticulate. Tubular florets numerous. Achenes obovoid, ribbed. Pappus pale red. Fl. and fr. Aug.
● Grasslands; ca. 4300 m. Sichuan (Batang, Kangding, Litang).