Description from
Flora of China
Senecio leveillei Vaniot, Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot. 11: 346. 1902; Senecillis leveillei (Vaniot) Kitamura.
Stem erect, ca. 60 cm tall, ca. 4 mm in diam. at base, proximally glabrous, distally and synflorescence shortly brown pilose. Rosette of leaves not seen. Proximal stem leaves petiolate; petiole to 20 cm, glabrous, base sheathed; leaf blade reniform or cordate, 3-3.5 × 5-5.5 cm, subleathery, glabrous, palmately veined, margin triangular-dentate, apex rounded or acute; sinus ca. 1/3 as long as leaf blade, broad, basal lobes orbicular. Middle stem leaves shortly petiolate; sheath enlarged, ca. 3 cm; leaf blade smaller, reniform or cordate. Distal stem leaves smaller, sessile, shortly sheathed. Synflorescence paniculate-racemose, ca. 10 cm, proximally branched; leaflike and supplementary bracts linear, 4-6 mm, glabrous; peduncles 3-7 mm. Capitula numerous. Involucre broadly campanulate or cupular, 7-9 mm, mouth to 1 cm in diam., outside glabrous; phyllaries 8, in 2 rows, oblong or ovate-oblong, 3-4 mm, nitid, apex obtuse or acute; inner phyllaries broadly membranous at margin. Tubular florets 6-7 mm; tube ca. 2 mm; limb campanulate. Pappus brown, slightly shorter than tubular corolla. Fl. Aug.
● Grasslands; 2000-2200 m. C Guizhou.