Description from
Flora of China
Stem erect, 55-150 cm tall, to 1.2 cm in diam. at base, shortly reddish brown pilose. Basal leaves petiolate; petiole to 53 cm, shortly brown pilose or glabrescent, base narrowly sheathed; sheath striate, to 2 cm wide; leaf blade reniform, 11-27 cm, to 50 cm wide, submembranous, glabrous, or abaxially shortly pilose, palmately veined, abaxially with 5 principal veins and prominent reticulate veins, margin regularly denticulate, tips of teeth black mucronate, apex rounded or slightly retuse; sinus 1/3-1/2 as long as leaf blade, narrow, basal lobes orbicular, divergent. Middle and distal stem leaves shortly petiolate, base broadly sheathed; sheath ovate, ca. 2 cm in diam., shortly yellowish brown pilose; leaf blade reniform, to 18 cm wide. Corymbs compound, spreading; branches to 15 cm. Capitula numerous; leaflike and supplementary bracts smaller, subulate; peduncles 3-14 mm. Involucre cylindric, 9-12 × 2-3 mm, outside glabrous; phyllaries 5, oblong, 1.5-3 mm wide, apex acute; inner phyllaries membranous at margin. Ray florets 1 or 2, yellow; lamina linear, 1-1.5 cm, 2- or 3-divided, segments filiform, rarely undivided; tube ca. 6 mm. Tubular florets 4 or 5, 8-9 mm; tube ca. 4 mm. Achenes brown, cylindric, ca. 6 mm. Pappus white, shorter than tubular corolla or as long as tube. Fl. and fr. Sep-Oct.
● Forest understories, grassland slopes; 3000-4000 m. SW Sichuan, NW and W Yunnan.