Description from
Flora of China
Cineraria thyrsoidea Ledebour, Icon. Pl. 2: 18. 1830; Ligularia knorringiana Pojarkova; Senecillis thyrsoidea (Ledebour) Kitamura; Senecio sibiricus Linnaeus f.
Stem erect, 30-125 cm tall, initially floccose-lanate, glabrescent, 5-7 mm in diam. at base, with a densely reddish brown lanate circle. Basal leaves petiolate; petiole sometimes purplish red, 10-26 cm, base narrowly sheathed; leaf blade abaxially pale green, adaxially green, triangular, sagittate, or triangular-ovate, 9-14 × 9-11 cm, glabrous, pinnately veined, base cordate, margin irregularly dentate, apex obtuse; basal lobes slightly divergent. Middle to distal stem leaves shortly petiolate or sessile, triangular-ovate to linear-lanceolate, apex acuminate. Distal stem leaves with undeveloped capitula in axil. Compound corymbs pyramidal, paniculate, 5-25 cm, to 14 cm wide, thyrsoid, proximal branches to 10 cm, each branch with corymb; leaflike and supplementary bracts subulate, 1.5-7 mm; peduncles 3-10 mm. Capitula numerous (10-80). Involucre cupular, 5-12 × 6-15 mm, outside convex, glabrous; phyllaries 8-12, in 2 rows, ovate or oblong, 2-5 mm wide, apex acute; inner phyllaries broadly white membranous at margin. Ray florets 5-12, yellow; lamina oblong, 1-1.4 cm × 2-3 mm, apex acute; tube 3.5-4 mm. Tubular florets numerous, 6-7 mm; tube ca. 3 mm. Achenes yellowish, cylindric, 3.5-4 mm. Pappus white, as long as tubular corolla. Fl. and fr. Jul-Aug.
Wet grasslands, stream banks; 500-2000 m. Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, W Mongolia, SW Russia (Siberia)].