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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Zingiberaceae | Alpinia

Alpinia officinarum Hance


Description from Flora of China

Languas officinarum (Hance) Farwell.

Rhizomes elongate, terete. Pseudostems 40--110 cm. Leaves sessile; ligule lanceolate, entire, 2--3(--5) cm, membranous; leaf blade linear, 20--30 × 1.2--2.5 cm, glabrous, base attenuate, apex caudate. Racemes erect, 6--10 cm; rachis tomentose; bracteoles very small, less than 1 cm. Pedicel 1--2 mm. Calyx 8--10 cm, puberulent, apex 3-toothed. Corolla tube slightly shorter than calyx; lobes oblong, ca. 1.5 cm, central one hoodlike. Labellum white with red streaks, ovate, ca. 2 cm. Filament ca. 1 cm; anther ca. 6 mm. Ovary tomentose. Capsule red, globose, ca. 1 cm in diam. Fl. Apr--Sep, fr. May--Nov. 2 n = 48*.


* Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan.


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