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Moss China | Family List | Moss China V. 1 | Dicranaceae

15. Dicranoloma (Ren.) Ren., Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 28: 85. 1901; Leucoloma subg. Dicranoloma Ren., Prodr. Fl. Bryol. Madagascar 61. 1898.


Plants small to robust, pale green to yellowish green or golden brown, in dense tufts. Stems simple or branched, often tomentose; central strand present or absent. Leaves often falcate-secund, ovate-lanceolate, often gradually narrowed from a broader, somewhat auriculate base to nearly setaceous apex; margins plane, bordered by one to several rows of thick-walled, elongate, linear cells, often serrulate to serrate in the upper half; costa slender, percurrent to excurrent, often with lamellae or dentate wings at back in the upper part of leaves; upper cells irregularly rhomboidal to linear, smooth; lower cells elongate, frequently with a few rows of hyaline, very narrow cells at the basal margins; alar cells conspicuous, brownish. Dioicous. Setae erect, short to elongate, smooth, solitary or clustered; capsules cylindric, erect or arcuate, smooth when dry; opercula long conic-rostrate; annuli present or none; peristome 16, reddish or reddish brown, striate below, papillose above, 2 to 3-divided, halfway down or lower. Calyptrae cucullate, entire at the base.

Most species of Dicranoloma are distributed in the tropical regions of the world. The number of species placed in the genus is inconstant, depending on taxonomic opinions of different authors. Wijk et al. (1962) listed 121 species in the world. Six species and one variety are known from China.

1 Central strand of the stems absent; capsules slightly oblong-ovoid, erect; setae usually less than 1 cm long   (2)
+ Central strand of the stems present; capsules elongate-cylindric, often curved, sometime erect; setae usually more than 1 cm long   (3)
2 (1) Leaves smooth, often strongly homomallous when dry; plants usually pale green to whitish green   3a var. brevisetum
+ Leaves often plicate, widely patent, not or slightly homomallous when dry; plants green to yellowish green   3b var. samoanum
3 (1) Leaves often erect-spreading, not or slightly secund, with long, crimped, capillary tips; alar cells with thickened, sinuate longitudinal walls; plants mostly not branched   2 Dicranoloma blumii
+ Leaves usually falcate-secund, homomallous, with short, not crimped apex; alar cells with thin or not particularly thickened walls; plants mostly branched   (4)
4 (3) Leaves not conspicuously plicate, often rigid, brittle, leaf tips mostly broken when mature   6 Dicranoloma fragile
+ Leaves more conspicuously plicate, leaf tips usually not broken when mature   (5)
5 (4) Capsules strongly curved when dry; plants robust, often more than 10(-15) cm high; upper leaf cells irregularly rhomboidal or short-rectangular, often not porose   1 Dicranoloma assimile
+ Capsules erect or suberect when dry; plants smaller, up to 5 cm high, rarely larger; upper leaf cells elongate-rectangular, mostly porose   (6)
6 (5) Capsules solitary; costa smooth on the back above   4 Dicranoloma cylindrothecium
+ Capsules often 2-3 per perichaetium; costa with two serrate wings on the back in the upper half of the leaves   5 Dicranoloma dicarpum

Lower Taxa


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