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Moss China | Family List | Moss China V. 1 | Ditrichaceae | Trichodon

Trichodon muricatus Herz., Hedwigia. 65: 148. 1925.


Plants small, 8–10 mm high, yellowish green, in loose tufts. Stems slender, erect, simple, radiculose at base. Leaves flexuous or crispate to subsecund above when dry, wide-spreading when moist, lanceolate, 2.0–3.0 mm long, rather abruptly narrowed from an oblong-ovate, sheathing base to a long, linear or subulate acumen; margins plane or occasionally slightly reflexed below, serrulate above; costa single, percurrent, filling most of the subula; upper cells short-rectangular, 11–12 µm × 5–6 µm, firm-walled, smooth; basal cells rectangular, 20–39 µm × 6–15 µm, thin-walled, pellucid; alar cells not differentiated. Dioicous. Sporophyte not seen.

Type. China: Yunnan, Pe yen tsin, alt. 3,000 m, S. Ten 48 (holotype JE).

Specimens examined: GUANGXI: Tian-lin Co., C. Gao et al. 2366 (IFSBH). XIZANG: Cuo-na Co., Y.-C. Yang 40 (IFSBH). YUNNAN: Teng-chong Co., X.-J. Li 80-338a (KUN).

Habitat: on soil; Distribution: endemic to China.

Illustrations: Pl. 18, figs. 9–15.


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