Abies Miller,, Gard. Dict. ed. 8:1. 1768; Komarov, Fl. URSS. 1:134. 1934; I. Chaudhri, Vegetatio, 11:375. 1963; H. Riedl, in Rech., f., Fl. Iran. 14:1.1965; E. Nasir, M.A. Siddiqi & Z. Ali, Gymnosperms, W. Pak. 7. 1969; Tang Shui Liu in Taiwan 1971.
Evergreen monoecious trees. Short shoots absent;.leaves borne directly on stems, linear, flattened. Male flowers in the leaf axils on undersurface of young branches. Cones large, ripening in the first year, the female of a bright colour. Male cones ovoid or cylindric‑oblong, with yellow or red anthers. Seeds falling away together with the ovuliferous scales; cone axis persistent.
40 species, N. temperate and C. America. Represented in Pakistan by 2 species.
Lower Taxa
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