Sisymbrium* sect. Alliaria (Scop.) Koch
Annual or biennial herbs with a slender tap root, often having an odour of garlic, erect, branched, sparsely hairy below with simple hairs. Basal leaves ovate-cordate, dentate, long petioled; cauline leaves ovate-triangular, shortly stalked. Racemes many flowered, lax, enlongated in fruit. Flowers mediocre or small, white; pedicels spreading, thickened in fruit. Sepals not saccate at base. Petals about twice as long as the sepals, oblong-obovate, narrowed below. Stamens 6; filaments not appendaged; anthers short, obtuse. Lateral nectar glands annular, sub-angular; middle glands broadly conical, hardly joining the laterals. Ovary cylindrical-terete, 4-18-ovuled; style short with depressed-capitate stigma. Siliquae broadly linear, terete, bilocular, dehiscent; valves ± 3-veined; septum membranous, white, not veined; seeds 1-seriate, large, oblong, longitudinally striated, not mucilaginous when wet.
2 species, one endemic to Caucasian region and the other widespread in Europe, Asia and N. Africa.