Anthriscus Hoff., Gen. Umbell. 1: 38. 1814. Boiss., Fl. Or. 2: 910. 1872; C.B. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 692. 1879; Hiroe, Umb. Asia 1: 42. 1958; Cannon in Tutin et al, Fl. Eur. 2: 326. 1968.
Leaves 2-3-pinnate, glabrous to pubescent; segments lanceolate, serrate to pinnatifid; leaf bases sheathing. Involucre of 1 or 2 bracts or lacking. Rays 10-15. Involucel of several bractlets. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals white. Stylopodium conical; styles divaricate. _Fruit linear to oblong, tuberculate to bristly, rarely glabrate; ridges not prominent; vittae minute or obscure. Inner seed face sulcate.
A genus of about 20 species found in the temperate regions of Europe and Asia.
Lower Taxa
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