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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae

Argyrolobium Eckl. and Zeyh., Enum. 184. 1836. (conserved name); Boiss., Fl.Or.2:31.1872; Baker in Hook.f., Fl.Brit.Ind. 2:63.1876; Ali in S.U.Sci. Res. J.2:1.1966.

Herbs, rarely small shrubs. Leaves digitately trifoliolate; stipules free. Flowers yellow; solitary, racemose or subumbellate, terminal or leaf-opposed. Bracts and bracteoles often small. Calyx bilabiate, teeth 2 to the upper and three to the lower lip. Vexillum suborbicular, wings obovate, keel slightly incurved, shorter than the vexillum. Stamens monadelphous, alternate anthers short and versatile, alternately longer and basifixed. Ovary sessile, many ovuled, style glabrous, stigma terminal, often oblique. Fruit linear, compressed, silky-villous, 2-valved.

About 130 species, North, tropical and South Africa, Madagascar, S. Europe, W. Asia and Indo-Pakistan subcontinent.

Excluded species

1. Argyrolobium arabicum Jaub. and Spach in Ann.Sci.Nat. Ser.2.19: 51. 1843.

2. Argyrolobium trigonelloides Jaub. and Spach in Ann.Sci.Nat.Ser.2.19:50. 1843.

3. Argyrolobium strigosum Blatter in J.Ind.Bot.Soc.9:205.1930.

4. Argyrolobium mucilagenum Blatter in J.Bomb.Nat.Hist.Soc.36:480.1933.

5. Argyrolobium purpurescens Blatter in J.Bomb.Nat.Hist.Soc.36:480. 933.

First two species are reported from Baluchistan by Burkill (1909), but this report is probably based on misidentification. The types of species 3-5 are untraceable hence the correct identity of these taxa could not be determined.

1 Leaflets obovate   (3)
+ Leaflets not obovate   (2)
2 (1) Leaflets linear-lanceolate, plant whitish hoary   Argyrolobium stenophyllum
+ Leaflets elliptic, plant brownish   Argyrolobium flaccidum
3 (1) Pod c. 1.9 cm or less   Argyrolobium roseum ssp. ornithopodioides
+ Pod c. 2-3 cm long   Argyrolobium roseum ssp. roseum

Lower Taxa

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