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Pakistan | Family List | Rubiaceae

7. Asperula L., Sp. P1. 103. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5. 45. 1754; Bench. & Hook. L, Gen. Pl. 2: 150. 1873; Boiss., Fl. Or. 3: 25. 1875; Hook. f, Fl. BriL Ind. 3: 209. 1881; Ehrend. in Koie & Rech. f., Symb. Afgh. 4: 124. 1958; Pobed. in Schischkin, Fl. URSS 23: 217. 1958; Ehrend. & Schonb.- Tem. in Townsend & Guest, Fl. Iraq 4: 580. 1980.


Asperula glomerata

Credit: M. Rafiq

Erect or scandent herbs, rarely woody at base, branches quadrangular. Upper leaves exstipulate, lower smaller in size, 4-6 in whorl, rarely opposite, linear-lanceolate, rarely ovate or obovate. Inflorescence of terminal and axillary subumbellate and fasciculate cymes or thyrses, mostly subtended by bracts and bracteoles. Flowers small. Calyx tube ovoid, globose or didymous, limb absent, rarely minutely 4-5-dentate. Corolla-tube funnel-shaped, or subcampanulate, throat naked, lobes 4-5 rarely 3, inserted in the corolla-tube or throat, filaments short, anthers short, exserted, didynamous. Disc inconspicuous. Ovary 2-loculed, styles two or bifid; stigma capitate-globose. Ovules solitary. Fruit a small, didymous, dry, indehiscent mericarps. Seed adhering to the pericarp, testa membranous, albumen hard, embryo curved, cotyledons leafy, broad and thin.

A genus of 100-150 species, distributed in Europe, Asia, Mediterranean region and E. Australia Represented in Pakistan by 8 specific and infraspecific taxa.

1 Inflorescence axillary. Corolla-tube ± equalling the lobes   (2)
+ Inflorescence terminal or terminal axillary Corolla-tube much longer than lobes   (3)
2 (1) Leaves 20-35 x 2.5-3 mm. Inflorescence not dichotomously branched   5 Asperula sp.
+ Leaves 10-12 x c. 1.5-2 mm. Inflorescence dichotomously branched   4 Asperula karataviensis
3 (1) Leaves whorled. Corolla-lobes broadly triangular-ovate   (4)
+ Leaves opposite. Corolla-lobes narrowly triangular   3 Asperula oppositifolia
4 (3) Annual. Leaves 6(-7) in a whorl. Flowers tetramerous   2 Asperula setosa
+ Perennial. Leaves more than 6 in a whorl. Flowers pentamerous   1 Asperula glomerata

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