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Pakistan | Family List | Rubiaceae | Asperula

1. Asperula glomerata (M. Bieb.) Griseb., Spicil, Fl. Rumel. 2: 166. 1844. Boiss., Fl. Or. 3: 28. 1875; Parse, Fl. Iran 3: 34. 1943; Pobed., l.c. 208; Ehrend., l.c. 125; Kitam., Fl. Afgh. 365. 1960; R.R. Stewart in Nasir & Ali, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. Pak. & Kashm. 683. 1972; Ehrend. & Schonb.-Tem., l.c. 585.


Asperula glomerata

Credit: M. Rafiq

  • Crucianella glomerata M. Bieb.

    Perennial, suffrnticose herb, 20-30 cm long, erect, or prostrate-procumbent, branches hirsute or pubescent, older generally white, ± glabrous. Leaves 6-8 in a whorl, 5-8 (-10) x 0.5-1.5 mm, linear-narrowly elliptic, revolute, acute, sessile, shortly scabrid, fleshy. Inflorescence terminal heads or fascicles, many-flowered, bracts foliaceous, c. 7 x 2 mm, broadly ovate-lanceolate, or oblong-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, united at base, revolute, scabrid. Flowers purplish, pale yellow-greenish, up to 1 cm long. Corolla-tube 7-8 mm long, 3-4 times longer than lobes, lobes ovate, tips incurved and thickened or somewhat cucullate. Anthers 5, inserted at the mouth of corolla tube, filament c. 1 mm long. Style c. 7 mm long, bifid, branches unequal; stigma globose. Fruit oblong, glabrous or hirsute, 2.5-3 mm long.

    Fl. Per.: May-June.

    Type: In colibus lapidosis Iberiae, circa Tiflis, M. Bieberstein (LE).

    Distribution: Turkey, Turcomania, Transcaucasia, Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan.

    A highly polymorphic species specially in habit and pubescence of flower. A number of infraspecific taxa have been recognized by different authors (Ehrend., 1.c.). In Pakistan it seems to be a rare taxon and only one specimen from Kurram (Aitch. 517) has been seen, which is very near to subsp. capitata (Labill.) Ehrend.


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