Cuminum Linn., Sp. Pl. 254. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5. 121. 1754; Boiss., Fl. Or. 2 : 1079. 1872; C.B. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2 :717. 1879; Engler in Pflanzenr. 4, 90: 22. 1927; Hiroe, Umb. Asia 1 : 44. 1958; Tutin in Tutin et al, Fl. Eur. 2: 351. 1968.
Plants annual, glabrous except the fruit. Leaves 2-3-pinnate; segments filiform. Involucre of long linear or ternate bracts. Rays 3-6. Involucel of linear bractlets. Calyx teeth subulate, unequal. Petals white or rose coloured. Fruit oblong, setulose or villous; secondary ridges equal to or more prominent than the primary ridges. Inner seed face concave.
A genus of 5 species from the Mediterranean region to S.W. Asia.
Lower Taxa
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