Desmanthus Wilid., Sp.P1. 4(2) :1044. 1806. (conserved name).
Trees, shrubs or perennial herbs. Leaves stipulate, stipules setaceous and persistent, bipinnate, rachis often glandular between lower pair of leaflets. InfloreĀ¬scence axillary, solitary, ovate-globose heads. Flowers bisexual, unisexual or the lower neuter. Sepals 5, connate, small, campanulate. Petals 5, valvate, free or nearly so. Stamens 10 or 5, free, exserted. Ovary sessile or shortly stipitate, linear, many ovuled. Pod straight or falcate, linear, dehiscent. Seeds ovate comĀ¬pressed and placed lengthwise or oblique.
A genus with 22 species, distributed in subtropics of N. America, W. Indies, Argentina and Madagascar.
Lower Taxon
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