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Matthiola R. Br. in Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 4:119. 1812. nom. cons.; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 1:67. 1862; Boiss., l.c. 146; P. Conti in Mem. Herb. Boiss. 18: 1-88. 1900. Chemysk. in Kom., l.c. 285; Cullen in Davis, l.c. 447; Rech. f., l.c. 228.

Matthiola flavida

Credit: Azmat

  • Leucojum Adans.

    Annual or perennial, often shrubby herbs, erect, branched, often densely pubescent with branched or stellate hairs, rarely glandular or subglabrous. Leaves pinnatisect to entire, usually oblanceolate to ovate; lower stalked, upper stalked to sessile. Racemes lax, few to many flowered. Flowers usually large, white or pinkish; pedicels usually short, ± thickened in fruit, erect or ascending. Sepals erect, inner saccate at base. Petals usually about twice as long as the sepals, long-clawed, linear to oblong-obovate. Stamens 6, filaments without appendages; anthers often linear, acute. Lateral nectar glands various, often in pairs, each semi-lunar, often fusing together, with or without basal process; middle glands absent. Ovary oblong, many ovuled; stigma bilobed, subsessile or sessile, lobes erect, rarely with lateral appendages. Siliquae often long, compressed with sub-convex valves, often subtorulose, bilocular, dehiscent; valves with a distinct mid-vein, ± pubescent, rarely glandular; septum not veined; seeds many, suborbicular, often narrowly winged.

    Nearly 60 species, chiefly in the Mediterranean region and Asia, some in S. Africa; only 5 species (incl. 2 cult.) recorded from our area.

    1 Annual or biennial, usually glandular and pubescent   (2)
    + Perennial, often with woody bases, not glandular but pubescent only   (4)
    2 (1) Plants 10-15 cm tall; siliquae c. 1.5 mm broad, torulose with clavate stigmas   Matthiola macranica
    + Plants usually tall and robust (20-60 cm long); siliquae (2-) 2.5-4 mm broad, flattened with erect stigmas   (3)
    3 (2) Pedicels 15-25 mm long in fruit; leaves oblanceolate or oblong-elliptic, entire; siliquae often 10-15 cm long, (2.5-) 3-4 mm broad; (cultivated)   Matthiola incana
    + Pedicels 5-6 mm long in fruit; leaves + ovate, petiolate, often broadly toothed; siliquae 5-8 cm long, 2-2.5 mm broad   Matthiola chenopodiifolia
    4 (1) Stigma lobes with horn-like lateral appendages; (cultivated)   Matthiola tristis
    + Stigma lobes erect, without appendages   Matthiola flavida

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