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Pakistan | Family List | Lauraceae

Neolitsea (Benth.) Merrill in Philipp. J. Sc. 1, Suppl. 65. 1906. Gamble, Fl. Madras 1238. 1925; Kostermans in Reinwardtia 4: 24-1. 1957; Bibl. Laur. 1035. 1964.

  • Litsea sect. Neolitsea Benth. & Hook.
  • Tetradenia Nees

    Evergreen dioecious trees. Leaves sub-verticillate, entire, tri- or triplinerved. Flowers in umbels, surrounded by persistent bracts, usually sessile on the internodes. Florets 2-merous. Perianth of 2 whorls of 2 equal tepals. Male flower: Stamens 6 in 3 whorls; inner whorl with basal glands; anthers 4-celled, introrse; rudiment of pistil present or lacking. Female flower: 6 staminodes with glands, filaments slender, long; ovary with distinct style and peltate stigma. Fruit a juicy black berry, seated on a small, disc-like, shallow cup.

    A genus of about 100 species in tropical and sub-tropical Asia and Australia. Represented in Pakistan by 2 species.

    1 Terminal bud 1 cm long. Sub-basal lateral nerves Reaching 1/3-1/2 the lamina length. Floret pedicels 2-2.5 mm long. Tepals broad, glabrous. Filaments 4 mm long; glands attached to the basal part of the filament. Fruit cup disc-like, thin   Neolitsea pallens
    + Terminal bud 4 cm long. Sub-basal lateral nerves reaching 2/3-3/4 the lamina length. Floret pedicels up to 5 mm. Tepals narrow, villous. Filaments 10 mm long; glands free, basal stipitate. Fruit cup obconical, not differentiated from the obconical pedicel   Neolitsea cuipala

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