Orostachys Fisch. in Mém. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. 2: 270. 1809; Berger in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2. 18a: 463. 1930; Boriss. in Kom., Fl. USSR 9: 86. 1971 (Engl. transl.); D. A. Webb in Tutin et al., Fl. Europ. 1: 363. 1964; Fu Kunjun & H. Ohba in Wu Zheng-yi & P. H. Raven, Fl. China 8: 206. 2001.
Biennial or perennial herb, with fibrous roots. Basal leaves forming a conspicuous rosette. Rosulate leaves sessile, often cartilaginous. Flowering stems 5-60 cm high, simple, fleshy, erect. Leaves alternate, sessile, fleshy. Inflorescence terminal paniculate-thyrsoid-raceme. Bract similar to cauline leaf. Flowers pedicellate or subsessile, bisexual, 5-6 merous. Calyx lobes basally connate, fleshy, green. Petals basally connate or free, white, pinkish, red, yellowish or greenish. Stamens 5-6 or 10-12, in one or two whorls, anthers basifixed. Nectar scales oblong, yellowish. Carpels basally stipitate – attenuate, apocarpous, style slender, ovules many. Follicles many seeded.
A genus of 13 species, distributed in Asia. Represented in Pakistan by a single species.
Lower Taxon
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