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Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 206 | Cyperaceae

4. Scirpoides Scheuchz. ex Séguier, Pl. Veron. Suppl. 73. 1754.

Holoschoenus Link, Hort. Berol. 1: 293. 1827. Scirpus sect. Holoschoenus (Link) W.D.J. Koch, Syn. Fl. Germ., ed. 2: 857. 1844.

Perennials, to more than 1 m. Rhizome short, emitting tillers. Stem 0.5-5 mm diam., terete. Leaves basal, up to as long as stem. Inflorescence a pseudolateral multiple spike of from 1 to more than 100 globose heads of congested spikes. Spikes 1.5-4 x 1-2 mm, ovoid, with 10-30 spirally arranged glumes. Flowers bisexual, perianth bristles 0, stamens 3, stigmas 3. Nut 1-1.5 mm, trigonous, plano-convex.

The genus, distinct because of pseudolateral compact globose spike heads, has c. 3 species, distributed in Europe and Africa (Australia?), represented in Pakistan by one subspecies.

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