Trisetum Pers., Syn. Pl. 1:97. 1805. Bor, Fl. Assam 5:132. 1940; Bor, Grasses Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pak. 447. 1960; Bor in Towns., Guest & Al-Rawi, Fl. Iraq 9:358. 1968; Bor in Rech.f., Fl. Iran. 70:317. 1970; Tzvelev, Poaceae URSS 256. 1976; Jonsell in Tutin et al., Fl. Eur. 5:220. 1980.
Perennials. Leaf-blades flat or convolute, broad or narrow. Spikelets 2-4 (-6)-flowered, all alike, the rhachilla usually produced; glumes ± unequal, keeled, broadly hyaline on the margins, the lower 1(-3)-nerved, the upper 3-nerved; lemmas slightly longer or shorter than the glumes, 5-nerved, hyaline or membranous, 2-toothed at the tip, the teeth often aristulate, with a straight or curved, often twisted awn nearly always inserted above the middle; callus distinct, bearded; stamens 3; stigmas 2.
A genus of 70-80 species in temperate regions of both hemispheres and on mountains in the tropics; 3 species occur in Pakistan.
1 |
Culm pubescent below the inflorescence; panicle axis and branches also pubescent |
(2) |
+ |
Culm glabrous; panicle axis and branches also glabrous |
Trisetum aeneum |
2 (1) |
Panicle densely spiculate, spiciform or ovoid, strict and erect |
Trisetum spicatum |
+ |
Panicle loose or if ± dense then long and narrow, not spiciform or ovoid |
Trisetum clarkei |
Lower Taxa
Related Synonym(s):
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