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Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 203 | Salicaceae | Salix

20. Salix viminalis Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1021. 1753; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 631. 1888; R. Parker, For. Fl. Punj. ed. 3: 504. 1956; Nazarov in Kom., Fl. USSR 5: 133. 1970 (Eng. trarsl.); R.R. Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. Kashm. 186. 1972; A.K. Skvortsov & J.R. Edmondson in P.H. Davis, Fl. Turk. 7: 714. 1982.

Vern.: Osier (Parker, l.c.).

Much branched shrub or tree, twigs silvery tomentose. Leaf stipulate; stipules small, linear-lanceolate; petiole 4-12 mm; lamina (5)-12-20 x 0.5-2-(4) cm, linear lanceolate, margins often revolute, upper surface hoary to glabrate, silvery silky beneath, lateral veins 25-30 pairs, entire or slightly undulate, rarely serrate. Petiole 0.25-1.5 cm long. Stipules subulate. Catkin precocious or coataneous, sessile or nearly so. Ebracteate or bracteate. Male catkin 2.5-3 cm long, 1.5 cm broad, silky. Rachis densely silky. Bracts lanceolate with long silky hairs. Stamens 2, filaments free or rarely somewhat connate. Gland 1, erect, opposite the bract. Female catkin 3-5 cm long, elongating up to 6 cm in fruit. Bracts as in the male. Ovary densely silky, sessile or subsessile, style 0.3-2.5 mm, stigmas 1-2 mm long, entire or parted, as long as or longer than the style. Gand 1, 0.8-1.5 mm long, reaching 1/3 of the ovary. Capsule silky, 4-5 mm long.

Fl. Per.: April (Parker l.c.).

Type: `Described from Europe', Herb. Linn. 1158. 81 (LINN).

Distribution: West and Central Europe, Russia, China, Mongolia, Japan, China, Kashmir, India.


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