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Pakistan | Family List | Brassicaceae | Atelanthera

Atelanthera perpusilla Hook. f. & Thoms. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 138. 1861. Hook. f., l.c. 133; Schulz in Engl. & Prantl, l.c. 572; Vas. in Kom., l.c. 272; Rech. f., l.c. 276.

Atelanthera perpusilla

Credit: Azmat

  • Atelanthera contorta Gilli
  • Atelanthera pentandra Jafri

    Small annual, 3-5 (-10) cm tall in fruit, erect, usually simple with filiform stem, rarely branched above, somewhat roughly hairy with bipartite appressed hairs. Leaves 10-15 mm long, 1-3 mm broad, oblong to linear, sessile, entire. Racemes 2-5-flowered, lax Flowers c. 3 mm across, white or turning violaceous with age; pedicels hardly 1 mm long in fruits, inconspicuous. Sepals c. 2 mm long. Petals c. 3.5 mm long, c. 1 mm broad, oblong. Stamens usually 6, dimorphic, outer 2 dithecous inner usually monothecous, c. 2:2.5 mm long: anthers subapiculate. Siliquae linear, subterete-compressed, c. 20 mm long, 1 mm broad, appressed hairy, straight to twisted; style c. 1 mm long with depressed sub-bilobed stigma; seeds (4-) 6-12 in each locule, c. 0.7 mm long, oblong.

    Fl. Per.: April June.

    Type: W. Tibet, Zanskar, Thomson (K, BM).

    Distribution: Same as that of the genus.

    An under collected species in our area, perhaps due to its very small size. It appears that siliquae when mature, open by twisting of pods. The gathering from Baluchistan, cited above, is interesting: it has branched flexuose habit, perhaps due to its presence among stones, but leaves only 1 or 2 on the entire plant, which is c. 10 cm tall, the tallest so far recorded for the species. More gatherings are needed to decide about its taxonomic status; it is provisionally placed here.


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