Cardamine flexuosa With., Bot. Arr. Brit. Pl. ed. 3:578, t. 3. 1796.
Cardamine hirsuta var. sylvatica (Link) Hook. f. & T. And.Cardamine inayatii O.E. SchulzCardamine sylvatica LinkCardamine umbrosa Andrz.
Annual or biennial, very similar to the following species, C. hirsuta L., but lax, usually with several branches from below, roots fibrous on a short rootstock, basal leaves hardly or loosely rosulate, and stamens always 6.
Fl. Per.: March-June.
Type; Described from Britain.
Distribution: Europe and Asia, introduced in N. America.
C. inayatic Schulz is a from of this species with somewhat conical terminal lobes of leaf.
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