Tauscheria oblonga Vas.
Annual, 10-30 (-50) cm tall, erect, branched above, glabrous except the siliculae, glaucous. Leaves ovate, sessile, cordate, amplexicaul, 10-50 mm long, 2.5-25 mm broad, entire. Racemes 30-40-flowered, lax and up to 15 cm long in fruit. Flowers c. 2 mm across, yellowish; pedicel up to 4 mm long in fruit, spreading or deflexed. Sepals c. 1.2 mm long. Petals c. 2.5 mm long, 1 mm broad, oblong, spathulate. Stamens c. 1:1.5 mm long. Siliculae cymbiform, (4-) 5-8 mm long (including the beak); 3-4 mm broad, hairy or glabrous; seed c. 2.5 mm long, 1.5 mm broad, brown.
Type: C.Asia, Kirghis, Tauscher (G).
Distribution: C. Asia, Turcomania, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
A very variable species with regards to fruit characters, such as size of beak and hairiness etc. Sometimes the fruits are glabrous, the wings and beak are straight. T.oblonga Vas. has straight beak about as long as the body of the fruit, but intermediate forms are not lacking, and this character seems to be of no taxonomic value.